Turks Cap, Malvaviscus arboreus

Foraging Texas Page on Turk's Cap

USDA Plant Index Page on Turk's Cap

Easiest time to identify: Spring through winter when flowers bloom.

Harvest/Forage: All year

There are many benefits to foraging for Turks Cap. For one almost the entire plant id edible. The leaves can be eaten as well as the flowers and fruit. Given the right conditions the plant can stay green all year. But on the UNT campus they often lose their leaves in winter. But during the spring and summer the plant is green and flowing. In fall and late summer the plant will fruit.

The fruit is fairly bland with a ripe apple consistency but notes of sweetness can be detected. I have seen people make jams out of the fruit and claim it taste like strawberry. The flowers have a light slightly sweet taste. I often eat the flowers when foraging. 

This plant is also abundant on the UNT campus. Almost every building has Turks Cap somewhere. Turks Cap is like an old friend I have known my whole life.   

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